How Craft Beer is Disrupting Traditions | Sebastien Morvan | TEDxBrussels

For the past three years, Sébastien, co-founder of the Brussels Beer Project, has promoted a new beer culture in the heart of Belgium, renowned for its traditional beer scene. Welcome to Belgian Beer 2.0 made of co-creation, crowdsourcing and food waste turned into delicious craft beer! In this talk, Sébastien explores how the craft beer movement is disrupting the Old World of beer and how this could be just the beginning of a new era where we’ll see a generation of hypertasters cracking the code of flavour with a whole new 360 tasting experience.

Sébastien Morvan is a Brussels-based entrepreneur in the craft beer market.

Sébastien is the co-founder of the Brussels Beer Project, an innovative craft brewery based on co-creation featured by media such as Forbes, WSJ and The Guardian for its ambition to shake up the conservative European brewing scene. Before this, he gained diverse experience as an Investment Banker in London, a microfinance officer in Buenos Aires and a consultant on entrepreneurship in Brazil. During his studies, he worked at Ashoka headquarters in DC and social entrepreneurship had an influential role in his way to address the craft beer market & economics in general.

He graduated with a MSc in Management from ESSCA Business School (France) and a MA in International Relations from SAIS/Johns Hopkins University (US).

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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