
2000年にスタートした世界最大級の国際芸術祭『大地の芸術祭 越後妻有アートトリエンナーレ』で、アートディレクター、北川フラム氏が住人とともに芸術が息づく広大な地域づくりを浸透させ、


See, eat, drink, and play: Niigata Prefecture’s southeastern Uonuma area offers travelers a plethora of compelling reasons to visit.
Back in 2000, art director Fram Kitagawa launched the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial—the world’s largest international arts festival—and worked with the locals to put forth a vision of developing the Uonuma region as an expansive community incorporating works of art. In recent years, Toru Iwasa, a leading figure in regional revitalization efforts throughout Japan—and the man responsible for the boom in lodging facilities providing lifestyle design solutions—exemplified the beauty of designing a lifestyle that includes delicious local ingredients with the creation of Satoyama Jujo. And with the Yukiguni A-kyu Gourmet (Grade-A Foods from the Snow Country) Project, he has advocated for the use of truly local ingredients—locally produced for local consumption—and regional cooking methods, which has helped to restore the region’s standards of food quality. All of this serves to highlight the natural magnificence of the region, where you can tangibly experience the changing seasons—in spring and summer, bright green spreads throughout the mountain villages and fields, which are then transformed by heavy snowfall during fall and winter. The combination of such ideal surroundings with modern art and a contemporary lifestyle creates exactly the kind of simple, cozy atmosphere coveted by our editors and readers alike—there was no way we weren’t going to pay Uonuma a visit.  

A short trip of a little over an hour from Tokyo on the Tohoku Shinkansen brings you to an escape where you can spend your time eating, playing, discovering art, and getting lost in your thoughts. Once there, you’ll start to realize how much you’ve missed getting back to life’s basics.


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