宮崎県小林市 PRムービー“サバイバル下校” 90sec|Survival Way Home



A high school girl is running through Kobayashi city, Japan. She looks as if she is hiding from something or someone. Why does she look frightened? Like a skilled ninja going through a jungle, she strives to return home. Just before she reaches her house, she is caught by her neighbor, and won’t just let the girl go… See the video to figure out why…

*Kobayashi City Site:

*Background Info
This movie is made for promoting Kobayashi city, a small city located in southern part of Japan. Population of the city is getting smaller and smaller. Predictions say that by 2030, more than half of population will be consisted of elderly people. The city is on the verge of disappearing. We made this video to save Kobayashi city by inviting the younger generation to visit and move to Kobayashi city. We created this video with real high school students residing in the city. We think it is important that young people in Kobayashi city collectively take action to make young people move to the Kobayashi city. We had several workshops almost for almost half a year. In the workshops we lectured high school students about how to make TV spots, from coming up with ideas to making stories. This movie is based on ideas of the students, and they also star in it.

*Whoever comes from a small town can relate this video.
People in countryside in Japan are very kind and polite. Especially in Kobayashi city people talk to children more friendlily and sometime people have a very long talk. Young people sometimes tend to avoid connecting other people. However, we tried to take advantage of that friendliness in this town. Since the younger generation themselves appealed their own city’s freindliness on their own, this movie was widely accepted and more than 10 TV programs reported about this movie although it was only aired on YouTube and local TV commercial.


■高校生とつくるWEBCM スペシャルサイト



(宮崎県立小林秀峰高等学校 商業科・経営情報科)


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