
Mr. Hidetoshi Nakada, local sake in Fukushima is “high level”


 同所ではこの日、福島県のPRイベント「FUKU FES 2017−ふくしま大交流フェスタ−」を開催。会場には、福島の日本酒が20蔵以上も楽しめるエリアが設けられている。


Mr. Hidetoshi Nakada of Japanese national football player (40) went on a talk show at the Tokyo International Forum on 23rd.

On the same day, the PR event “Fuku Fes 2017 – Fukushima Great exchange festival -” held in Fukushima Prefecture was held on this day. The venue has an area where more than 20 Japanese sake in Fukushima can be enjoyed.
Mr. Nakata who is familiar with sake as it goes over more than 300 breweries in 47 prefectures says, “I think that Fukushima’s alcohol is very high in terms of nationwide, There is an image of alcohol which you drink during meals, which is like (like a pure rice liquor to drink between meals) rather than alcohol like Doshisha Daiginjo (high standard of style). He introduced.

Currently there are about 70 wine stores in Fukushima, but Mr. Nakata says he has visited about 20 of them.
In the future, when you are asked for ideas on how to PR the Japanese sake in Fukushima, Mr. Nakata says, “Each diversity is in sake in Fukushima (because the climate is different in the same place in Fukushima prefecture, too) , It is natural that water is different (taste is different) “,” If you connect a bit more closely to a hot spring area and you get a set, I think it would be nice to have a pairing with meals ” We recommend that you also PR gourmet local gourmet.


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